Shiatsu is a wonderful relaxing therapy using finger and thumb pressure on various points on the body. It really has to be experienced to be appreciated.
Shiatsu can help prevent the build up of stress and restore vitality in body and mind and can help with ongoing improved health and well being.
Shiatsu is received on a cushioned mat or futon on the floor, whilst remaining fully clothed. This wonderful treatment can help with a whole variety of conditions, far too many to list.
It is advisable not to eat a heavy meal within a couple of hours either before or after a session of Shiatsu and for your own comfort and ease of movement, loose clothing such as a t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms are best worn.
A full session lasts approximately an hour.
Neck, back and shoulder treatments last approximately 30 minutes.
Everyone can benefit from receiving Shiatsu and there are very few contra-indications.
For your own private consultation and to book appointments please Contact Pauline